Raz Kids Reading Test Information
You will see the above "Flight Check" on your Raz Kids Dashboard once your Reading Assessment has been assigned by your teacher! Please check your dashboard on Monday.
For Parents:
Usually as students end their school year, teachers are able to do 1-1 reading assessments to best determine where to begin for the following year. Since we unfortunately are not able to meet and read with each of our students, we are asking for you to follow the detailed instructions below and complete the assigned reading task. Your child will record themselves reading INDEPENDENTLY and the results will be shared with the teacher.
Teachers will use this information to help your child transition into the next grade and provide next year’s teacher with a great starting point.
If you are unable to complete this task due to computer difficulties please contact your child's teacher.
Please note that the task can only be done once and then will disappear from your child’s reading folder. Thank you for helping us set your child up for success next year.
For Parents and Students:
If you have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible.
Mrs. Pedersen