Handing in Homework

To Scan Homework:

If you are an Apple user, you can open the NOTES app, choose camera and select the option "Scan Documents," take a picture (which is actually a scan), save the scan and then it can be directly emailed.

Please check google for Android phones applications that are similar that allow you to scan.

Raz-Kids Reading Levels

Good Afternoon Families,

I have updated students Raz Kids levels to correspond more closely to what I was seeing at school. Please make sure you are keeping up with reading. I have noticed many have not logged into Raz Kids for over a month! It is very important that students are reading levelled books daily as they are not getting the daily reading we were doing in school. I will be keeping a close eye on this.

Please let me know if the new level is too difficult for your child. 

How to Read in Raz Kids:
1. First, read the book first.
2. Then, listen to the book.
3. Finally, answer the Quiz Questions to check for understanding.

Welcome Back - At Home Learning

Dear Parents,

It was great speaking with most of you yesterday as we navigate this new “At-Home Learning” together. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes!

Thank you for your patience as we have worked through some necessary planning in preparation for resuming structured learning opportunities for your child. I understand there has been a lot of uncertainty about what learning is going to look like moving forward. I can assure you that we are going to work on key learning outcomes at-home within the parameters established by the province and CBE.

Learning Plan
Starting Monday April 6, 2020, you will receive from me a weekly learning plan. Each week’s plan will highlight what we are working on, will include various resources and will explain the activities or tasks I would like your child to work on.

I will primarily be communicating with you and your child via the teacher blog at https://mrspedersensclass.blogspot.com/

and if necessary, will replicate lessons into a paper format.

*This week, daily homework will be posted for you to complete. Please submit your child’s work by email to me on Fridays by scanning or taking a photo. Please remember: We want student learning to occur so please let them do the work.

My Office Hours
Students and/or parents can reach out to me for help or for clarification via e-mail daily from 9:00 – 10:00 and 1:30 – 2:30. I can be reached on either platform at mpedersen@cbe.ab.ca. If questions come in during the weekday, I expect to be able to answer most questions that same day.

Additional Learning (if you are looking for “Extras”)
Please check out my Learning Resources page on my new blogspot which will be updated regularly.

As well, Mrs. Hull will be adding new math games and activities on her page as follows:

I recognize this is new for most of us and we will get through this together. I am here for your child and look forward to being in regular contact with your child and yourself.

Please stay safe and healthy,

Mrs. Pedersen

Welcome to my new Blogspot!

Dear  Parents of Room 15,

I wanted to thank you so much for your kind words and support over the past week.  I want you to know I think about my students often and wish them all the best over Spring Break.  The classroom is missing their laughter, energy and abundant curiosity. I am looking forward to reconnecting with them after the break and I ask that you please continue to watch your emails and my teacher blog as we move forward after the break.

Please remember, Spring break is a great time to have an adventure while reading a book, write an amazing story of the events you tackle on your break or create or play a fabulous board game as a family.  

If you missed the opportunity to collect personal shoes and items on March 18, please know that all items will remain here at the school until further notice and they are safe.

Enjoy your time over the break and we will reconnect in April.  Please watch the website for updates and check the blog for information.  Please make note of the blog address change, effective for April 2020.  You will still be able to access WEEBLY as we transition to Blogger over the next few weeks.

Stay safe and healthy,

Mrs. Pedersen